Submit article along with an abstract of no more than 500 words to
Articles may be of any length. Please submit documents in MS Word format. Authors should include a brief (3-4 line) biography, contact information, and endnote citations in Documentation One (Chicago Manual of Style) format.
All manuscripts submitted, or revised, for publication must be in Microsoft Word format. The New Polis uses the Chicago Manual of Style for all published articles. All notes must be footnotes. Citations should follow CMS. Bibliographies or lists of references should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Citations in footnoting should be written so as to be sufficient. All articles or reviews must have the title, first and last name of the author, and institutional affiliation at the top of the article - flush left.
Do not in the body of the text give acknowledgements. Do so in a footnote. All paragraphs must have a blank space between them and start flush left without indentation. No paragraph numeration. Once the article is accepted for publication, it is the author's responsibility to resubmit the review or article using the standard journal style within twenty days after notification of acceptance. . At that time the author must also submit a brief biographical sketch of themselves two or three sentences in length.
All articles and reviews, including unsolicited pieces, are published initially (after receiving approval from reviewers) with a quick turnaround on the blog site of The New Polis. The exception are those articles solicited through calls for special issues. Such a policy allows immediate and much wider visibility for authors as well as improved feedback. Articles published in this format will be published as is once they are submitted and approved, although authors will be allowed to corrected typos or grammatical problems, and they will be vetted in advance by the journal’s copy editors as well. At the same time, all weekly, online articles (not including reviews) will be republished in PDF format within one of the issues of the journal. Authors in this instance will be permitted to make minor revisions for republicaton and to receive advance proofs before the volume goes “live.”